Friday, February 27, 2009

pc games

  1. Druid Spells - The "Microwave" Move by WP Kelly

    There are times in WoW as a Druid that you'll find yourself in big trouble. This happens in PvE when you either get in over your head, are not paying attention or a combination of both. It happens in PvP whenever - PvP is a bit more chaotic. What I'd like to share with you today is the "Microwave" move. I didn't come up with the name, but I wish I had, some random player running past me one day while doing this whispered "lol looks like tin foil in a microwave".

  2. Improving a PC Role Playing Game by Paul Bryan

    Computer Role Playing games have borrowed the idea of pen-and-paper role playing game and converted those into games that can be played on a computer. In the game the player plays a character which is a part of an intricate plot developed based on some fantasy tale.

  3. Making Gold in WoW - Guides by Michael D. Green

    Are you looking to get a making gold in Wow strategy guide? If you are a World of Warcraft player, you will definitely want to learn the best gold making strategies because you will need it to afford items that your character needs. More items are required in the game as it advances, especially after the release of the Wrath of the Lich King like the Super Mechano Chopper.

  4. How to Make Gold Fast in WotLK by Craig Torsen

    With over 10 million players worldwide, World of Warcraft is the greatest MMORPG that we can play.With the latest version, WoW Wotlk the demand for gold is higher than ever before, making the gold a very important commodity in Wow Wrath of the Lich King.

  5. Luke Brown Gold Secrets Guide - Can it Really Make You 200 Gold an Hour in WoW? by Craig Torsen

    So, you are interested in finding more information about the Luke Brown Gold Secrets Guide. Some people will just say to you:" Yeah, another gold guide for WoW", but you don't know what these people have in mind. What I mean is that they lie because they don't want you to know the truth. I personally used Luke Brown Gold Secrets guide and I know what's in it and I will tell you in the following lines.

  6. Fun and Fearless Fashion With Dress Up Games by Lenny Rose

    Discover fun and fearless fashion with dress up games and be one of these superb fashion icons! Dress up for your shape and add a glint of elegance and style to your wardrobe with dress up games. Be fashionable and find the thrill with dress up games!

  7. How Does World of Warcraft Relate to Reality? by Tim Radtke

    I often think about society today and actually how similar every day life struggles and successes are to The World of Warcraft. Life revolves around money, power and authority. In many ways we live in a world where you are looking out for yourself and will cut through someone else if it means your success, just like in Warcraft.

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